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Allan Kelly

Allan Kelly

Author & Agility Consultant, Software Strategy Ltd.


Allan helps companies increase strategic agility by putting objectives at the heart of agile working and product management. He is a regular keynote speaker and author of books including the best selling “Succeeding with OKRs in Agile.” His client base includes many innovating scale-up companies and bigger house hold names.

Objective Driven Agility: combining agile with OKRs.
Sprints, stand-ups, backlogs and the rest of the agile toolkit have made a real difference to performance. But even as they became agile teams lost something. Such teams are so busy doing stuff that they have lost sight of outcomes that make a difference.

True Business Agility demands more than just doing stuff quickly: teams need to make a difference and align with strategy. Without strategy agility stops at the team. Fortunately there is a solution.

Many teams are using Objectives and Key Results, OKRs, to enhance agility, align strategy and restore an outcome focus. However, used naively they are decidedly un-agile and reintroduce command-and-control.